I didn't receive photos that I promised to show. I will do it in my next post. But now I would like to show something on what I was working on previous week during which I didn't have much time to paint as I was preparing for extra exams. I needed to pass them to continue studying in the magistracy.
But on previous week I tried to make bases in new for me style. Main idea was to sculpt a little piece of ground to put a miniature on. I wanted to make it look like a ground with some kind of a tile on it.
So here are photos:
As it was my first attempt to make this kind of bases, they look really simple. I painted them in different colors to see how they are going to look like. Long time before I was planning this as an experiment but I didn't know what material I should take to make such bases. But Cristina gave me special clay to try.
I like the result that I've got in the end. Later I'm going to put miniatures on this bases. And afterward I want to try to sculpt more complex tiles, and to paint them using more complex technics.